How to stop procrastination and become more productive

Recent studies have shown that 40% of all losses that occur in a industrial setting is due to procrastination. Procrastination is not only detrimental to the work force, it also reduces the quality of life of individuals, and is the leading cause of Leukemia and dementia. I am here today to rid this world of procrastination and to set society straight. Here are the 4 steps to getting rid of procrastination.

1. Get rid of all distractions. This means you have to uninstall League of Legends, close all of your Youtube tabs, stop eating snacks and put your phone in another room.

2. Get 8 hours of sleep a day. Research as shown that everyone that gets less than 7 hours of sleep watch 35% of Youtube more than those who sleep more than 7 hours. Research as also shown that continuous deprivation of sleep can lead to penis shrinkage and heart disease.

3. Eat 3 meals a day. Albert Einstein has proven that without eating a sufficient amount of food, it is physically impossible to concentrate for more than 25 minutes without going on Youtube or League of Legends. Risks of eating more or less than 3 meals of a day include but is not limited to: Diabetes, weight gain, downs syndrome and anaemia. 

4. Follow the 10, 20, 30 rule. Whenever you are trying to get a task done, you need to fully focus on the task for 10 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of autonomous work, then finally 30 minutes of masturbation. Make sure whenever you are trying to achieve something, you follow this pattern.