Top 10 studying spots at UNSW

UNSW is a great place, and the university experience is a very enjoyable one where you can spend lots of time with friends and have lots of fun. But if you have too much fun and fail your uni courses, you will be a failure. This is why studying is very important. Studying helps you remember all of the concepts that you learn during your lectures, which will help you during exams. 

BUT, because of the recent over abundance of international students and first years at uni, it can be very hard to find a decent study spot. With recent advancements in medicine and disease control, a plague won't be happening soon, so the unacceptably high amounts of students would likely remain. But worry not, after reading this article, you will be studying in a cool spot in no time.

10. UNSW Library
When you think of studying at UNSW, chances are, you are thinking of the UNSW Library. The UNSW library is the go-to place for students to study, because of it's many rooms with nice tables and comfortable chairs. You can also sit on a bean bag with your laptop. 

But because of this, the library is usually very crowded, and you would be very lucky to even find a spot to be able to study. Sometimes theres very loud first years and sometimes theres international students speaking Chinese to each other. This is why UNSW Library is 10th on the list.

9. Australian Business School (ASB)
The ASB building is the next most popular place to study after UNSW Library. Unlike the UNSW Library though, the rooms are sound proof. Another big bonus is the abundance of power points. 

But just like the UNSW library, you have a better chance of getting cancer during your lifetime than finding a spare room. 

8. Level 2 of Quadrangle Building
Unlike number 10 and 9, level 2 of the Quadrangle building is not well known. This is because it is inhabited by postgraduates. This is VERY good because you will always be able to find a seat. It is very quiet here so you can concentrate very easily. Also the couches are very comfortable. And the carpet is very soft for a nice quick nap. But there are no power points, so this is only 8th on the list. 

7. Disabled Toilet (Law Building)
Now I am starting to show you some study spots which I would study at myself. This DT is verified to be 96% soundproof, and comes with a nice purple interior. There is also a ventilation gap on the door for extra oxygen, which is good for studying. If you look closely on the door, it says "CAUTION AUTOMATIC DOOR".