Who is Bob?

Hi, my name is Bob. I am 19 years old. I don't think any of my hobbies count as hobbies.

Name: Bob
Age: 19
Address: Australia
Favourite food: no longer ice cream
How I like my steak cooked: medium rare
Sexuality: 99.95% straight
Hobbies: LoL and procrastination
Having trouble with: MATH1231 november 2011 paper question 2 i) a)
Best friend: Currently Will but can switch to Jimmy when Will pisses me off
Favourite brand of chilli sauce: lao gan ma
Thoughts about religion: It's ok
Favourite LoL champion: Yasuo
How much do I think is a fair price to sell Pho: $7.5
Can I finish a KFC Dinner box by myself: No

Here's a pic of my very good Yi win rate. This was before sated devourer came out, so it's pretty good.

https://www.youtube.com/user/lollisfun is my league of legends youtube channel. Please give me views for $$$. I also have a few other non-league channels but they are too cringe so I am not going to link them here.